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Pompeo Tries to Walk Back Escalation of Tensions with Iran
Watch live: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks amid heightened tensions with Iran
Pompeo dismisses Iran's claim it arrested 17 CIA spies
#Iran – ‘Unintended escalation could result in a much more serious situation’ Hunt
#WashWeekPBS full episode: Tensions escalate with Iran
Tensions with Iran: on the path to military confrontation?
Middle East after the Iran Deal: From Escalation to Conflagration?
Sanctions on Iran Have Worked, Says Secretary Pompeo
Michael Pompeo (USA) on non-proliferation / Iran - Media Stakeout (12 December 2018)
Justin Warmoth interviews US Sec. of State Mike Pompeo
US-Iran: War of words and the risk of escalation
Pompeo: 'Unmistakable' that Iran is behind oil tanker attacks